“The Way IN is the Way OUT” - Henri Nouwen
While we can provide meals, host laundry nights, and assist with monthly financial pressures, the next daily need is sure to come. But when these (and other) small efforts become bridges of relational engagement to move closer to the dignity of an individual, true change can begin.
Movement IN
Where people outside of the rhythms of poverty could move in proximity and begin the journey of sustainable relationships through intentional experiences.
Proximity Program
The Proximity Program is our primary equipping opportunity that invites those curious to begin the proximity journey of Luke 10:33 (see-compassion-proximity) through a 90% equip and 10% relational engagement experience. It meets quarterly at the Samaritan community center in Springdale (1300 N Thompson st) and upon request for churches, schools, and businesses.
Leader Lab
Samaritan’s monthly strategy of equipping leaders or potential leaders who ready for the work of ministry, specifically in the area of multiplying new microchurches.
Laundry Love
Laundry Love is a monthly engagement opportunity to build relationships with our walk-a-bout neighborhood through providing free laundry services and sharing a meal together. It is 90% relational engagement and 10% equipping. It meets the first Thursday of every month at Quik & Clean (812 N Thompson st).
Movement Out
Journeying with the marginalized who are stuck in vulnerable cycles to find avenues out of poverty
Individuals who have best navigated that transition have three baseline aims of newly defined rhythms. 1) maintain a full time job 2) are in sustainable housing 3) are part of a biblical community. (A microchurch - worship/connection/mission)
We spend significant time engaging and aiding marginalized individuals helping them navigate through this complex journey. It is slow, clunky, oftentimes painful yet eternally rewarding. Specific microchurches have committed their mission/vision to this ally approach.